This workshop offers a deep dive in colors, and direct experimentation with fabrics.

The class will make numerous exercises, each time in another color range. The result of these different experiments will be each time pinned to the wall, to form an ephemerical quilt, which can be photographed.

Several quick machine sewing techniques will be used. These techniques are secondariy to discussions about color, but they will enable eveyone to review their basics and discover new sewing tricks.

This workshop is quite intense and every two or three hours, participants will be working on a new exercise.

Experiments done during the workshop will help the participants to progress in their approach of color, and will lead them to discover new paths for their personnal expression.

Each exercise can be put in relation with the picture of the ephemerical quilt, and can serve as future reference.

Sewing colors

Make room for the squareMake_Room_For_The_Square%21.html
No more templates!No_more_templates%21.html
Color PlayColor_Play.html